How Long Does Vinyl Flooring Outgas?

June 6, 2011, by Debra Lynn Dadd

Question from lulas.mommy

We have leased a house with vinyl flooring that is at least three years old. How long do vinyl floors outgas? It was the only house we could find without new flooring, carpet and paint. I am now sensitive to the smells of chemicals but was not bothered when inside the home for 15-20 mins. on two occasions. Do they give off significant amounts of lead?

Debra's Answer

Well, there is actually a study about this: Emission of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) from PVC Floor Coverings, which found that vinyl chloride was not emitting from any of the floorings tested, but various VOCs were released in various different concentrations. After 9 days total VOCs showed a rapid decrease and after that stayed at a very low level for a few months. The study concluded, "PVC floorings after 10 days of installation in the room should not be source of indoor air contamination."

Now I think that some readers here would say they can still smell vinyl flooring beyond 10 days after installation, but to answer your question, given these test results and the fact that the floor has no odor, and it's been three years, I would say it's probably fine, and better than your other alternatives.

Toxic-Free Q&A

These are archives of Q&A asked by readers and answered by Debra Lynn Dadd (from 2005-2019) or Lisa Powers (from 2019-2020). Answers have been edited and updated as of December, 2020.