Yes There IS a Toxic-Free Sofa
Furniture Debra Lynn Dadd Furniture Debra Lynn Dadd

Yes There IS a Toxic-Free Sofa

A few weeks ago one of my clients asked me if there was such a thing as a leather sofa without toxic chemicals. She knew leather sofas are usually filled with toxic polyurethane foam and fire retardant chemicals, plus there are more chemicals used to tan the leather.

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Furnishing a Toxic-Free Apartment
Furniture Debra Lynn Dadd Furniture Debra Lynn Dadd

Furnishing a Toxic-Free Apartment

For the past few weeks a lot of my time has been occupied with helping a consulting client furnish a nontoxic apartment for her son, who has multiple chemical sensitivities (MCS). She asked me to help her choose furniture, bedding, and air and water filters. I gave her some choices, and she chose the ones she wanted.

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