Non-Toxic Art and Framing
Art & Art Supplies Lisa Powers Art & Art Supplies Lisa Powers

Non-Toxic Art and Framing

When I moved into my new, non-toxic home I was very careful about which furnishings to bring with me.  It didn’t make senses to invest so much time, effort and money into building a clean home only to fill it with items that could off-gas or leach harmful chemicals.  One category I had not given much thought to was wall art; the pictures, paintings and other wall décor that help to make a house feel like a home! 

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Nontoxic Permanent Ink Pens and Markers
Debra Lynn Dadd Debra Lynn Dadd

Nontoxic Permanent Ink Pens and Markers

Permanent ink pens and markers have caught my attention in daily life twice in the past two weeks, so I was prompted to write about them today. The first exposure was in a public place where someone opened one of these pens (with a popular brand name) and started writing with it. I was standing three feet away and could smell it instantly. Then I went to Staples to buy some bold tip pens. I’ve been buying this brand for years…Expo Vis-a-Vis pens. They are “wet erase markers” for white boards, but I use them when I need a bold pen.

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